Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malt Liquor post I.

So i failed okay? i missed two posts out of what i said i would do. i am not cut out for this blogging thing i guess. Also i have said some things i cant take back, i called four "foul" before i had really given it a chance, a knee jerk reaction based on a stomach jerk reaction. Four Loko Fruit Punch flavor is delicious, i mean really really good. And i love the Camoflauge can. Four loko might be a little bit too much, i mean half would probably be great like 12 oz. or even 16. But 24 is a bit of a sweet sweet kick in the teeth, and the gut. But man is it good. Like sweet sweet malty malty candy. Just try it, hobo hawaiian punch.
Thanks Stormgrenonpaper.blogspot.com for the photo of the Four.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dairy Products I will never buy part I

Dairy kiiind of creeps me out sometimes and there are a few items that actually just disgust me. This is one.
Seriously? Yogurt in a plastic tube? are you fucking kidding me? What genius thought "Oh! Otter pops should be congealed dairy and not frozen!"
I know kids are stupid but what the hell are they doing slurping disgusting pink/green/purple glop into their already childhood obese mouths? whose idea was that? of course all of those colors appear organically in nature in the form of...oh wait, no they don't.
This is not the jetsons folks you cannot get your daily nutrition from astronaut goop and pills(lord knows i have tried).

And this? i don't even need to say anything. You know what you've done.And this? might as well just take it as far down as possible...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blog Seger and the Silver Bulletin Band

Some things just dont work out...yesterday was friday day two and i already done fucked up. So two posts today to try and salvage any self respect i might have had before i let myself down.
South by Southwest is going on now and that gets me thinking about tour and that LOGICALLY has my brain thinking about Bob Seger.
Dude was a rocker in a rock band and he let you know it. By writing songs about rocking, touring, and touring in a rock band, stick with what you know i guess. And he was very good at it (opinion). But one thing that never sat well with me was big rock bands singing about how tour is sooooo hard. If its that hard dont do it (metallica i am looking at you) there are plenty of people that love tour and i am one of them, minus those couple seizures, i am also very good at it. So while i do not have the boogiewoogie bluesy chops of Mr. Seger i at least know that i will always be better than him at touring. So take that mr. heavy music. Also it is kind of a bummer that Silver bullet got taken by Coors as the nickname of THE WORST BEER EVER. Hey Coors the "heres to twins" ad campaign is just disgusting. Not just because i am a twin, but because the sexualizing of twins is the sexualizing of fucking INCEST. Is that what gets you hot coors? Sisters? Together? Shame on you you fucking creeps.Thanks Chip for the title and the inspiration on this one!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drinks that were bad ideas...part I

Non-alcoholic of course...
I mentioned Orbitz the other day and nobody i was around even remembered what that was. So this is informative AND an opinion, an informapinion, if you will. and i will.
Orbitz was just what everyone wanted on a warm day. fruit flavored soda with very little carbonation and flavorless chunks of jelly floating in it like an hundred dead baby jellyfish (minus the stingers mind you). My twin brother and i would joke about how a friend of ours would drink this in the morning to wash back his deeeelicious hostess breakfast cakes. which were also gross, and which he actually ate, like a doughy mass of high fructose corn syrup and congealed vegetable oil (may contain lard) couldnt find a picture of those so i decided to paint one for you, with words. SO we would say something to the effect of "You going to have chunk soda with your slopcakes this morning?" It just seemed like a fitting combo, and come to think of it might have happened once...
So there you have it. Orbitz, bad idea. Hostess breakfast bars, gross.Love,seth

Slow and Steady Wins the Race...

(opinion)NO IT DOES NOT, fuck your tortoise revisionist history. seriously, i have been far too slow and not so steady on this here blogspot, lets see you try to drink and go to work on a regular basis and see what happens. and if i had been steady...not winning the race. SO i start a new chapter on this here blogspot with new posts EVERY DAY until next Wednesday(sooooo exchiting for ALL FIVE of my readers). thats right every goddamn fucking day from now until next Wednesday. just to see if i can take the heat or get out of the nonexistant interwebs kitchen. slow and steady does not WIN THE RACE EVER. Dairy products, malt liquor, Starcom, and so much more... xoxoxosethrobertbabb

ps. hey jealousy, be still my heart.