Friday, November 6, 2009

"punk rock" hair, isn't.

First off the google image search for "punk hairstyles" sucks, just wanted to put that out there. It is as if US Weekly were actually in the computer choosing what is considered a "punk hairstyle" So no images this week dear readers of which there are possibly none left due to my less than frequent posts.
Back to the hate(read opinions). There was a fellow who wore all black, and had bondage belts, and looked down on people less "punk" than him. Which was, well, everyone. Where am i going with this? just wait and you will find out do not rush me, its hard enough just trying to come up with an opinion these days. Jesus.
He had perfectly two toned hair. It looked professional it was so perfect, that must have taken literally hours to do. Hours that could have been spent smashing the state or starting an anarcho-syndicate commune or something. You know who else spends hours on their hair?Rich people and old ladies, are they punk? sometimes. i am the first to tell you that i am no authority on what is punk but in my opinion something so contrived can hardly be called punk, he might as well have gotten a damn sex pistols shirt from hot topic at the same time he was purchasing his "manic panic"(here is where i opine that the sex pistols suck, so obvious)
And "liberty spikes"? do you have any idea how much time and effort that takes? neither do i. they look stupid and i do not have time for that, too busy putting studs on my leather vest for hours at a time. Bi-hawks, tri-hawks exponentially more silly. i know it is fun to play dress up you little scamps, but it takes a special sort of man-child to do it every day and with that much conviction. Everyone needs a hobby i guess...

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