Friday, February 13, 2009

Songs that are bad ideas part number 1

Valentines-ish Post!!!
And i am not talking about "bad" songs because that is subjective and furthermore (thats right furthermore) it is BORING. i know i have bad taste just like everyone else. So this (hopefully) running post will have to do with songs that put bad ideas into your brain. i am not talking about now i wanna sniff some glue crap either because the ramones are goddamn boring and while necessary in the grand scheme of things actually NOT very good.(opinion #1)
SO today i was listening to love the one your'e with. The Phyllis Dillon version of course. Not that you would know that, so i figured i would clarify.
"if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."
Anyone who knows me knows that i am pretty much "down for whatever" i mean my middle name might as well be "free love" but i know for a fact that if you love someone and then go about "loving" not that person but the one that you are merely with, shit will eventually hit the proverbial fan. the proverb i speak of is the one where david sings to g-d about not letting shit hit the fan of course. Not good advice in my book. i would go so far as to say bad advice.
So before you go basing your lovelife on something a bearded bloated alcoholic fellow wrote in a drug/alcohol/limousine induced haze, think about what the consequences might be.
Next week! R and B!!!!

1 comment:

  1. "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."-love this line.I will keep this in my mind.
