Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What tastes good with malt liquor?

Sadness. But also 7up! This here is a delicious little summer ditty to whip up for those picnics or days on the roof, or hell why not, how about a bbq? 
Ingredient 1.
Some might call this a "way of life" and not an ingredient, those people are wrong. While tasty, refreshing, good at any time of the day, and AWESOME it is merely just the nectar of the gods and nothing to base a philosophy of living on.(Note:i do not believe anyone has ever called it a way of life.) Ingredient 2 is 7up like i mentioned earlier in case you forgot already. but i will not put a picture of that here. 
SO you put cobra into a glass about 2/3 full and then add the soda to the rest of the glass and you my friend have a party in your mouth. or you can just drink the cobra down to the point where the bottle widens out and then add the soda to taste!
And if you really want to you can add Sparks(original of course) or Four Loko tropical! malt liquor plus malt liquor equals neat. get creative! 
(trying this limits all liability of sethhasopinions or seth himself if you wake up under a car)
Enjoy the warm weather!
Extra Opinion! i dont really like warm weather. makes me sleepy and sunburnt. 


  1. I'm gonna try this summer!
    When you coming out to Brooklyn?
    I'm gonna try to be out there again within the year.
