This one starts out with a question folks! do you LOVE ill fitting suit jackets matched with cargo pants or badly pre-worn jeans? If you answered yes stop reading my blog.
You also might want to think about a rewarding career in video game design! The video game design conference that happens right here in SF is a lovely week of mouth breathers wandering around with their convention badges prominently displayed as if they were the tour laminate of some crappy hardcore band who made their own laminates for a tour no one cares about (a phenomenon that i never understood and may not be something that any of you have ever encountered but believe me it happens all too often.)
OPINION! video game designers do not know how to dress themselves.
they tend towards two categories.
classic computer guy garb. Cargo pants, sweat pants, promo t-shirts from computer companies/video games, shirts with flames on them (for the love of god someone tell me why chubby dudes wear shirts with flames on them) and fedoras.
then we have the new breed of "cool guys" they wear european-ish clothing like square toed boots and shirts with diagonal stripes. they usually have some sort of product in their hair as well. they might have looked at a gq once and then done everything wrong or they might just have terrible taste.