Friday, January 9, 2009

Testing, testing 1..2...

Why am i doing this?
a: because i have opinions.
b: its a better way to spend slow days at work than googling myself.

Opinion number
one: Whoever designed this halfway house is a jerk. Like a giant hypo mainlining scenic 8th St. Call me overly sensitive but isn't it a little fucked up to design a building that looks like a syringe for people trying to recover from drug addiction. Maybe the architects idea was that it would draw them in...whatever way you look at it not cool.

Extra opinion for the first post: Sarah McLachlan is pretty good if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The building is, in fact, fucked up and I happen to be a fan of Sarah McLachlan myself. Plus, I'm stoked on your blog, son.
