Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dairy Products i will never buy Part III/drinks that are bad ideas Part II

I know i promised the malt liquor review but this is some stop the presses gross dairy stuff.
Currently being tested in New York IN THE FUCKING SUMMER, a fizzy milk based soda pop with cutting edge graphic design (hilarious Anchorman jokes aside milk really is awful in hot weather. trust me). Fizzy milk is already an idea that makes my stomach clench up then adding fruit flavors to said fizzy milk makes me want to just get it all over with and preemptively vomit just so whatever else i ate or drank does not mix with Vio on the way out. And once again i am left wondering, How do you not spoil little milk drink? Have you made a pact with the devil and somewhere in an attic there is a portrait of you getting more and more curdled by the day?
Whatever the answer i am counting myself out on this one.


  1. One of Coke's copywriters claims it "tastes like a birthday party for a Polar bear!"

  2. I implore you; please slam the "Keep Portland Weird" stickers, tags, philosophy, etc. I can send you some pictures of terrible human beings from Portland, if you need some motivation. Or better yet, just search the phrase in Google images.
